Answer by Chaoix for is it possible to decide height and width of a image?
Ideally you should never rely on this for your final optimized website, but you can use CSS 2's max-height and max-width to scale down an image and maintain the images aspect ratio. I have used this as...
View ArticleAnswer by Jukka K. Korpela for is it possible to decide height and width of a...
Yes, you can use the height and width attributes, e.g. <img src=logo.gif alt=ACME width=50 height=20>. You can also set the height and width properties in CSS.When the width or height differs...
View ArticleAnswer by David for is it possible to decide height and width of a image?
There are width and height attributes, though it would behoove you to do a little reading up on cascading stylesheets (css).<img src="..." width="100" height="200" alt="Company Logo"/>You should...
View ArticleAnswer by Deleteman for is it possible to decide height and width of a image?
You can set the width and height attributes of the image tag, like so:<img src="../image/path" width="100" height="100" />Also notice that using only one of those attributes, will resize the...
View ArticleAnswer by Prashant Singh for is it possible to decide height and width of a...
<td><img src='abc.png' height='x' width='y'></td> // set x and y to integers
View Articleis it possible to decide height and width of a image?
i am using html. in html table i have a table row inside td i have company logo. <image src="images\some.jpg">but displayed image size is too large. is it possible to set height and width for...
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